Andreescu`s group has ~2000 ft2 space, located in three modern laboratories in Science Center-Biotechnology wing
Facilities for nanomaterials synthesis and characterization
Phenom ProX SEM, with EDS capability
Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer (ZetaPALS) - Brookhaven
Seiko Exstar 6200 thermogravimetric (TGA) analyzer coupled with a Pfeiffer ThermoStar GSD 301 T2 mass spectrometer (MS)
Small equipment (pH meters, balances, centrifuge, ovens, vortex, ultrasonic bath, refrigerators, incubator, water circulating system, controlled temperature reactors and stirrers, pipettes, etc.)
Spectroscopic and biochemical equipment for study of biorecognition reactions and sensing
Shimadzu 2401 - UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Agilent 4000 - UV-Vis spectrophotometer with integrated sphere
NanoDrop 2000 UV/Vis spectrophotometer
Agilent 8453 Diode Array UV Vis Spectrophotometer
Nikon SMZ1000 stereomicroscope with trinocular eyepiece tube, diascopic stand, and Lumenera Infinity camera
Customized gas-sensing station with Alicat MS-Series mass flow controllers build in with an Owlstone OVG-4 gas generation and calibration system
Whitley H35 Hypoxystation for working in controlled oxygen environments
Pyroscience FireSting-PRO, dissolved oxygen meter with OXR50 retractable fiber-optic oxygen sensor
Advanced manufacturing and printing equipment
Biodot AD 1520 - dual channels dispensing printer
Allevi2 - 3D printer with dual cartridges
Voltera V-one - desktop PCB printer
UltiMaker S5 - thermal 3D printer
Electrochemical instrumentation for nanomaterials
and sensing studies
Electrochemical analyzers:
Autolab PGSTAT302N with combined FRA32M impedance module and low current EDC module
Epsilon-Bioanalytical Systems (2), with C3 cell stand
CHI1030A 8-channels potentiostat (CH Instruments)
CHI1430 4-channels potentiostat (CH Instruments)
Axopatch 200B amplifier with DIGIDATA1550B1 low noise data acquisition system from Molecular Device
PARSTAT 2263 electrochemical workstation with Quartz Crystal microbalance (Seiko EG&G)
CHI1232C portable electrochemical analyzer (CH Instruments)
CHI920C, Scanning Electrochemical Microscope (SECM) - CH Instruments
CHI440C, Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM)
Keithley 2450 Source Measure Unit (SMU) instrument
Narishige PP-83 capillary puller for microelectrode fabrication
Narishige EG-44 micropipette grinder
FIAlyzer-1000 system for automatic in line spectroscopic and electrochemical analysis
Modulated speed rotator (MSR) for rotating disk electrodes (Pine Instruments)