To all the SPONSORS of Andreescu - BIOsem group, Thank you!
38. NSF - EEC - 2349238 - REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Sensor Development (Design,
Manufacture, Analysis) and Implementation Pipeline
Period: 11/01/24-10/31/27
Masudul Imtiaz (PI), Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (co-PI)
37. EPA - Multimodal nanosensor for field detection and degradation of PFAS contamination in
groundwater and wastewater (SENSE-PFAS)
Period: 08/01/24-7/31/27
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
36. Identification and sensing of motion sickness biomarkers - Phase 1
Period: 11/01/23-10/31/24
Andrea Ferro (PI), Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (co-PI, 30%), Alan Rossner (co-PI)
35. Development of a low cost portable sensor for rapid detection of PFAS
Period: 08/01/23-07/31/24
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI), Daniel Andreescu (co-PI)
34. USDA/NIFA - Nanosorbents for phosphate capture and recovery from tile drainage
Period: 05/07/23-12/31/26
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI), Stefan Grimberg (co-PI)
33. NYSP2I - Establish effectiveness of 3D printed green sustainable packaging for food spoilage
Period: 05/15/2023-09/30/2023
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
32. SERDP-ESTCP - High-Capacity Sustainable Sorbents for Treatment of PFAS
Period: 01/07/23-12/31/27
Mario Wriedt (PI), E. Silvana Andreescu (co-PI,25%), Richard Partch, Thomas Holsen, Michelle Crimi (co-PIs)
USDA - Prime
UC Davis-Contractor
31. - USDA-UC Davis - Antioxidant sensors development
Period: 01/23-12/23
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
28. NSF - IIP - 2141017 - Development of Easy-to-Use Affordable Sensors for Rapid Detection of Environmental Pollutants
Period: 11/26/21-12/31/24
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI), Michelle Crimi (co-PI)
27. NSF - CBET - 2042544 - Collaborative Research: A multiplexed microbiosensing platform for
understanding real time neurotransmitter dynamics in the brain
Period: 05/01/21-04/30/24
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI), Stephanie Schuckers (co-PI)
Collaborative Project Metis - Clarkson
26. USAMRAA-S-W81XWH-202005401 - Real-Time In Vivo Measurement of Reactive Oxygen Species: Potential Measure to Mitigate Injury Sequelae of Hemorrhaging Warriors
Period: 09/30/20-05/30/23
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI - Clarkson), Wayne Muraoka (PI-Metis)
25. K. Czanderna '77 and D. Shirkey '80 - Ignite Research Fellowship - Clarkson University
Advanced materials design for preventing water eutrophication
Award: financial support for graduate student(s). Recipient: Mohamed Hassan
Period: 07/01/2019-06/30/2024
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu, Stefan Grimberg and Dhara Trivedi (PIs)
24. TOC 18 01 EL - Proof of concept for Antioxidant Sensor and Filter for Heavy Metal Removal
Period: 05/01/2019-06/30/2019
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI), Daniel Andreescu (co-PI)
23. NAS - Arab-American Frontiers Fellowship - Nano-bioelectrochemical system for
monitoring biofilm formation
Period: 03/01/2017-06/30/2017
PIs: Emanuela Silvana Andreescu and Rabeay Hassan
22. NSF - CHE - 1610281 - Single Particle Investigation of Environmental Chemical Processes using Nano-Impact Collision Techniques
Period: 09/01/16-08/31/20
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
21. NSF - CMMI - 1561491 - Scalable Manufacturing of Nanostructured Bioassemblies for
Low-Cost Portable Biosensors
Period: 07/01/16-06/30/20
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
20. NYSP2I - Technology validation for collection - inactivation of toxic waste from CMP processes
Period: 07/01/15-06/30/18
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI), SV. Babu (co-PI)
19. CUTIP -Clarkson University / Trudeau Institute Partnership (CUTIP) Grant
Nanotherapeutic Probes for Early Detection and Therapy of Inflammatory Diseases
Period: 07/01/14-12/31/16
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (CU - PI), A. Tumarov (TI - PI)
18. CUTIP -Clarkson University / Trudeau Institute Partnership (CUTIP) Grant
Lab-on-a-Chip Device for Single-Cell Analysis and Personalized Medicine
Period: 07/01/14-12/31/16
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (CU - PI), John E. Pearl (TI - PI)
17. NSF - CBET - 1336493 - Real time quantitative assessment of oxidative stress as a marker for
differential nanoparticle toxicity
Period: 09/01/13-08/31/17
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI), Kenneth Wallace (co-PI)
16. NSF - CMMI - 1200180 - Engineering Design of Oxygen Rich Surfaces for Bioelectrodes
Period: 09/01/12-08/31/16
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
15. NIH-NNDS - R21NS078738-01 - Real-time Monitoring of Neurotransmitters in a Hypoxic Environment
Period: 03/01/12-02/28/15
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
14. ARO - DURIP - Purchase of a nanoHPLC (UPLC) for the Advancement of Proteomics Research at Clarkson University and SUNY Plattsburgh
Period: 06/15/11-06/14/12
Costel Darie (PI), Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (co-PI)
13. NSF - DMR - 0954919 - CAREER: Inorganic Nanoparticles with Biological Properties: Preparation, Characterization and Sensing Applications
Period: 05/15/10-04/30/16
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
12. Internal - CCE seed grant - In Vivo Cytotoxicity Studies of Nanomaterials
Period: 11/01/09-06/30/10
Kenneth Wallace (PI), Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (co-PI)
11. CSOE - seed grant - Development of a Partnership between Clarkson and Dartmouth Medical School Focused on Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology (School of Engineering, CU)
Period: 03/01/09-02/28/09
Stephanie Shuckers (PI), Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (co-PI)
10. NSF - DMR - 0804506 - Collaborative Research: Biomagnetic Glasses: Preparation,
Characterization and Biosensor Applications
Period: 09/01/08-02/28/11
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
8. NSF - EEC - 0836640 - NUE: Overcoming the Geographic/Infrastructure Disadvantage of a
Remote Small Research/Teaching Institution in Nano/micro-scale Engineering Education
Period: 09/01/08-08/31//13
Cetin Cetinkaya (PI), Emanuela Andreescu (co-PI),Weiqiang Ding (co-PI), Ian Suni (co-PI)
9. NYSERDA - #10870 - Biocatalytic microreactors for the efficient fermentation of D-xylose in the production of fuel ethanol from cellulosic biomass
Period: 07/01/08-01/31/2010
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI), Phillip Christiansen (co-PI)
7. NSF-CCLI/DUE- 0737395 - Collaborative: Bringing Nanotechnology into the Classroom: From a
Doctoral Research Institution to Four and Two Year Colleges
Period: 05/01/08-04/30/11
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI), Evgeny Katz (co-PI)
6. NSF - EEC - 0755345 - REU: Site Program in Environmental Sciences and Engineering:
Sustainable Solutions to Emerging Environmental Problems
Period: 03/01/08-02/29/12
Andrea Ferro (PI), Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (co-PI)
5. CSOE - seed grant - Biocatalytic Membranes based on Room Temperature Ionic Liquids
(School of Engineering, Clarkson University)
Period: 04/08-04/09
Ruth Baltus (PI), Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (co-PI)
4. NSF - IRES-OISE - 0727861 - U.S.-France International Research Experience on Toxicity Biosensors: Towards Novel Sensor Architectures, Detection Schemes and Applications
Period: 09/15/07-08/31/10
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
USDA - Prime
Purdue Contractor
3. USDA-Purdue-F - Sub. # 8000019748-01 -Portable Biosensor for Rapid
and Ultrasensitive Identification of Food-Borne Contaminants
Period: 07/01/07-06/30/09
Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (PI)
2. ERDA - #9951 - Advanced Coating System for Transportation Infrastructure
Period: 01/18/07-01/17/08
Ayman Ababneh (PI), Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (co-PI), Mouna Abu Dalo (co-PI)
1. USAR - W911WF-05-1-0339 - SMART Responsive Nanocomposites for Soldier Protection
Period: 07/01/05-09/30/08
Devon Shipp (PI), Emanuela Silvana Andreescu (co-PI)