Rifat Emrah Özel

Thesis: Electrochemical Assessment of Nanoparticle-Induced

Organ Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress

Research: - Design modified CFMs for selective in vivo neurotransmitters detection in live zebrafish embryos 

- Asses the effect of ceria nanoparticles on intestinal serotonin level in zebrafish

 - Evaluate the intestinal nitric oxide level in embryonic zebrafish exposed to different metal oxide nanoparticles

Awards and honors:


[10]  Recent Developments in Electrochemical Sensors for the Detection of Neurotransmitters for Applications in Biomedicine

E.R. Özel, A. Hayat, and S. Andreescu 

Anal. Lett., 48(7), 2014, 1044-1069


[9]  Applications and Implications of Nanoceria Reactivity: Measurement Tools and Environmental Impact

D. Andreescu, G. Bulbul, E.R. Özel, A. Hayat, N.P. Sardesai, and S. Andreescu

Environ. Sci. Nano, 1, 2014, 445-458


[8]  Electrochemical methods for nanotoxicity assessment

E.R. Özel, X. liu, R.S.J. Alkasir, and S. Andreescu

Trends Anal. Chem., 59, 2014, 112-120


[7]  Glutamate oxidase biosensor based on mixed ceria and titania nanoparticles for the detection of glutamate in hypoxic environments

E.R. Özel, C.R. Ispas, M. Ganesana, J.C. Leiter, and S. Andreescu

Biosens. Bioelectron., 52, 2014, 2240-2249


[6]  Alterations of intestinal serotonin following nanoparticle exposure in embryonic zebrafish

E.R. Özel, K.N. Wallace, and S. Andreescu

Environ. Sci. Nano, 1, 2014, 27-36


[5]  Comparative Evaluation of Intestinal Nitric Oxide in Embryonic Zebrafish Exposed to Metal Oxide Nanoparticles

R.E. Özel, R.S.J. Alkasir, K. Ray, K.N. Wallace, and S. Andreescu

Small, 9(24), 2013, 4250-4261


[4]  Effect of cerium oxide nanoparticles on intestinal serotonin in zebrafish

  R.E. Özel, A. Hayat, K.N. Wallace, and S. Andreescu

    RSC Adv., 3, 2013, 15298-15309


 [3]  Loss of ascl1a prevents secretory cell differentiation within the zebrafish intestinal epithelium resulting in a loss of posterior intestinal


G. Roach, R.H. Wallace, A. Cameron, R.E. Özel, C.F. Hongay, R. Baral, S. Andreescu, and K.N. Wallace

Dev. Biol., 376(2), 2013, 171-186


[2]  Chapter 7 - Methodologies for Toxicity Monitoring and Nanotechnology Risk Assessment

S. Andreescu, E. Özel, M. Gheorghiu, and K. N. Wallace

in: ACS Symposium Series, vol. 1079, - Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Risk Assessment: Minding and Managing the

Potential Threats around Us, (Eds. S. Ripp and T.B. Henry, American Chemical Society, 2011, 141-180


[1]  Chitosan functionalized carbon fiber microelectrodes for real-time in vivo detection of neurotransmitters in live embryonic zebrafish 

E.R. Özel, K.N. Wallace, and S. Andreescu

Anal. Chim. Acta, 695(1-2), 2011, 89-95



- Invited speaker -"Opportunities of micro-sensing technology in clinical applications”

Conductive Technologies, Inc., 2013 - Invited speaker

- "Assessment of intestinal nitric oxide in embryionic zebrafish exposed to metal oxide nanoparticles"

The Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SusNano) conference, November 2-4, Santa Barbara, CA, 2013

- "Quantitative assessment of Nanoparticle-induced organ dysfunction and oxidative stress in embryonic zebrafish"

PITTCON, Philadelphia, PA, March 17-21, 2013

- "Chitosan Based Electrochemical Microsensors for In vivo Detection of Serotonin in Zebrafish Embryos"

PITTCON, Orlando, FL, March 11-15, 2012

- “Implantable sensors for in vivo measurement of neurological activity and nanoparticle-induced toxicity”

The 37th ACS-Northeast Regional Meeting (NERM), SUNY Potsdam, Potsdam, NY, June 2-5, 2010 

- Institute for a Sustainable Environment (ISE), Clarkson University, 2013

- The 244th ACS fall national meeting, Philadelphia, Aug 19-23, 2012

- The 3rd Undergraduate and Graduate chemistry and biology research symposium of the ACS - Northern New York Section , SUNY-Potsdam, 

April 21, 2012

Thesis defense: April 7, 2014

Congratulation Dr. Özel !

Thesis defense: April 7, 2014

Committee: Profs: Kenneth Wallace, Paul Goulet (signing), Silvana Andreescu, and -not in the picture Dan Goia, Costel Darie and He Dong

Emrah and his supportive BIOsem groupmates, with Erica (first left) getting ready for her PhD defense on the following week

Summer 2013 - Working to develop implantable microsensors to asses the toxicological effect of nanoparticles in zebrafish intestine, and the results (photo right)