Ramiz S.J. Alkasir

Thesis: Development of Field-Portable Biosensors for the

Detection of Phenols in Aquatic and Aerosol Environments

Research: - Biosensor fabrication by ink jet printing technology

- Design and developed a colorimetric tyrosinase paper-based biosensor for Bisphenol A detection in aerosols samples

- Field sampling and BPA measurements in indoor dust

- Nanoparticles based technology for electrochemical enzyme biosensors development

Awards and honors:


[6] Portable Colorimetric Paper-Based Biosensing Device for the Assessment of Bisphenol A in Indoor Dust

R.S.J. Alkasir, A. Rossner, and S. Andreescu 

Environ. Sci. Technol., 49(16), 2015, 9889-9897


[5] Electrochemical methods for nanotoxicity assessment

E.R. Ozel, X. liu, R.S.J. Alkasir, and S. Andreescu

Trends Anal. Chem., 59, 2014, 112-120


[4]  Comparative Evaluation of Intestinal Nitric Oxide in Embryonic Zebrafish Exposed to Metal Oxide Nanoparticles

   R.E. Ozel, R.S.J. Alkasir, K. Ray, K.N. Wallace, and S. Andreescu

    Small, 9(24), 2013, 4250-4261


[3]  Colorimetric paper bioassay for the detection of phenolic compounds 

   R.S.J. Alkasir, M. Ornatska, and S. Andreescu

Anal. Chem., 84, 2012, 9729-9737


[2]  Enzyme functionalized nanoparticles for electrochemical biosensors: A comparative study with applications for the detection of bisphenol A

R.S.J. Alkasir, M. Ganesana, Y.-H. Won, L. Stanciu, and S. Andreescu 

Biosens, Bioelectron., 26, 2010, 43-49


Prior to the PhD program at Clarkson

[1]   Measurement of Glutamate-Oxalacetate Transaminase Activity in Human Blood Serum Using Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping


R.S. Alkasir, H.A. Al-Wahab, and  S.T. Sulaiman 

Jou. Raf. Sci., 21(8), 2010, 11-18



     - "Portable biosensor for field assessment of aerosols"

Chemistry & Biomolecular Science Department Seminar Series, Clarkson University, February, 2014 

The 13th Annual SyracuseCoE Symposium. Environmental and Energy Innovations Symposium for the Urban Environment, Syracuse NY, Oct. 21, 2013

CAMP Annual Technical Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 14, 2014 

CAMP Annual Technical Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 15-17, 2013

2009 - With Prof. Petr Zuman, during the first visit at Clarkson as a research fellow

2009 - With Prof. Richard Partch during the first visit at Clarkson as a research fellow

2009 - Prof Silvana Andreescu office in the last day of the research stage at Clarkson, and ..... one year later Ramiz joined BIOsem group as graduate student

March 2015 - Passing on the paper sensor experience to Ali, a new student of the group

With Prof. Silvana Andreescu and Prof. Alan Rossner

Thesis defense: May 12, 2015

Committee: Profs Silvana Andreescu, Richard Partch, Petr Zuman, Alan Rossner, Artem Melman, Costel Darie

Congratulation Dr. Alkasir !