Ulfet Erdogan-Uzunoglu

Thesis topic: Sustainable adsorbents based on nanostructures for phosphorus removal from 

eutrophic water



Awards and Honors:



Prior to the PhD program at Clarkson

[2] Liquid chromatographic determination of lumacaftor in the presence of ivacaftor and identification of five novel degradation products

using high-performance liquid chromatography ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry

S. Özcan, Ü. Erdoğan-Uzunoğlu, S. Levent, N. Ö. Can  

J. Sep. Sci., x, 2023, n/a 


[1] Exopolysaccharides from vaginal lactobacilli modulate microbial biofilm

B. Giordani, M. Naldi, V. Croatti, C. Parolin, Ü. Erdoğan, M. Bartolini, B. Vitali 

Microb. Cell Factories, 22, 2023, 45 



- "Biodegradable phosphate removal sorbents"

The 2nd 3MT Competition, Clarkson University Graduate Student Association (CUGSA) and Clarkson Graduate School, April 4, 2024

- CAMP Annual Technical Meeting, Clayton, NY,  May 22, 2024

- The 2nd Annual Meeting of NYS Center of Excellence (CoE) - Healthy water solutions, Syracuse, NY, May 15-16, 2024

- The 14th Annual ACS-NNY local section "Chemistry meets Biology" Symposium, St. Lawrence University,  Canton, NY, April 20, 2024